Nio Color 2MP LED (MDNC-2221) 2MP high-bright color display system



Nio Color 2MP LED is a 2 MegaPixel color display system with LED backlights, providing excellent image quality for confident diagnoses. Nio Color 2MP LED provides an effective display solution for a multitude of applications and modalities, including 3D PACS, 3D echo, ultrasound, orthopedic imaging, CAD, image fusion, nuclear medicine and PET. 

Confident color reading

Equipped with high-bright LED backlights, Nio Color 2MP LED delivers excellent brightness and more shades of gray to detect subtle details more quickly. The unique front-of-screen sensor ensures you see consistent and precise images at all times for confident diagnoses.

On-demand image quality checks

The front-of-screen sensor on Nio Color 2MP LED, which works seamlessly with Barco's online MediCal QAWeb solution for automated Quality Assurance and on-demand calibration, makes sure you are viewing perfect DICOM images.

An excellent investment

The Nio Color 2MP LED is as low in power consumption as it is high in brightness. Because it uses less power, the display produces less heat and requires less cooling, which impacts maintenance and operational costs. Additionally, the LED backlights offer a long lifetime - even at high brightness - providing an excellent return on your investment.


2 MegaPixel resolution (1,600 x 1,200) 21-inch screen diagonal Color display Long lifetime LED technology Designed and assembled with special attention for the protection of our environment. Front sensor for stabilized luminance Uniform Luminance
technology Backlight Output Stabilization MediCal QA software
included 30 bit Look Up Table DisplayPort ready Anti-reflective protective front cover Usable in portrait and
landscape mode Standard 5-year warranty


  • High-bright and power-efficient LED backlights
  • Accurate grayscale and color rendering
  • Front sensor and MediCal QAWeb for easy DICOM conformance
  • High-performance 3D rendering with full 3D, OpenGL and DirectX support